Located just south of Coffs Harbour at Unit 3, Craft Close in the High Tech Industrial Estate, Toormina (get directions). Our Espresso Bar sets the standard for amazing tasting, specialty coffee on the Coffs Coast. We offer a wide range of coffee drinks served on beans roasted in house, each with unique flavour profiles and origins, providing you with a diverse range of options to choose from and experiment with. Our coffee is roasted in batches using specialty graded beans, resulting in a superior taste that stands out from mass-produced brands.
Our Espresso Bar staff are knowledgeable and passionate coffee experts who can guide you through the different varieties of coffee and brewing methods, helping you to find the perfect cup for your taste and preference.
Our Espresso Bar is under the same roof as our Roastery and is a must do experience when visiting Coffs Harbour.
We are proud to be 'all things coffee', with our retail space boasting industry leading equipment and reliable coffee machines and accessories for sale.
Conveniently located between Coffs Harbour and Sawtell, we are just 200m off Hogbin Drive.
Buy your coffee direct from the source - right here at our Roastery & Espresso Bar. Check out our drinks menu here.

About Our Coffee Roaster
Here at Artisti Coffee Roasters we use an IMF 30kg batch roaster. The IMF is a hot air hybrid roaster that enables us to produce a high volumes of coffee very efficiently while maintaining precision and consistency.
Our IMF has an afterburner, de-stoner (removes small stones from roasted beans so they don't ruin your grinder) and loader integrated into one unit resulting in a smaller than normal footprint compared with conventional roasters that use separate accessory systems.
Unlike conventional roasters that use a burner for the roaster and a separate burner to treat the emissions (afterburner), our IMF roaster uses only one burner chamber that sits to the side of the roaster. As the coffee is roasted, the emissions leave the roaster via a steel duct into the burner chamber to incinerate the emissions. Some of the heat in the burner chamber, which would otherwise be released into the atmosphere, is instead re-circulated via a stainless-steel duct back into the roaster. Ambient air is mixed into the duct electronically to reduce the heat to the required temperature to heat the beans for roasting, and the cycle starts again. This results in a minimum 30% reduction in gas consumption!

Leading the Coffs Coast coffee industry
A big challenge for coffee roasters is maintaining consistency as volume increases. Our IMF is equipped with VORTEX and EQUALIZER roasting technology to combat this.
The VORTEX system mixes ambient air into the hot airstream before it enters the roaster via an electronically operated modulating valve, so the air is already at the correct temperature before it enters the drum giving consistently uniform temperature of the hot airstream through the entire roasting process on every roast.
The EQUALIZER ensures the same volume of air enters the roaster. This feature delivers equal volumes of hot air both inside and surrounding the perforated alloy drum surface, giving even heat distribution across the entire surface of the coffee beans, and eliminating any temperature fluctuations inside the drum.
All this technology paired with sound roasting knowledge gives us consistent results and has noticeably enhanced our coffee's acidity and clean finish.